Sale on MetroFlor Engage Click Lock Vinyl Plank Floor"Call 877.839.3502 for Price"
Osburn Cherry
Shelley Teak
Woodland Oak
Sun Valley Oak
Graham Hickory
Fruitland Maple
Konecto glued Planks not for you? Try our MetroFlor ( Konecto 12 Mil Wearlayer) Engage Click Lock!! Do not get fooled by fast talking salesmen!
It is still YOUR money!
I am the owner of Indiana Floors LLC and I respond directly to every call.You will not get that type of service anywhere you call! Flooring Calculator
Ask us about Our Military Discounts! If you found it cheaper with shipping included please call:877-839-3502 I will beat or match any price you find.
Keep in mind: We sell only 1st Run, 1st Quality goods with the new Ceramic Bead Finish do not be tricked by hidden shipping fees or prices that seem to good to be true, they are not Authorized Konecto Dealers and they are selling you the old stock that does not have the New Fiberglass Core!!
Most Orders ship free contact us for shipping if your order is less than 400 ft
NO TAX with an internet purchase!!
12 Mil Ceramic Bead Finish.
Size:7.5"x48". Sq Ft Per Box:19.8 (Full box orders only)
Manufacture Suggested Retail Price:$3.40 Pr Ft
Warranty Specs: Konecto Warranty Page
Thursday, March 27, 2025
**NEW** Free Liftgate deliveries on most orders!! 48 States Have FREE Commercial Pickup Points.
They will unload it for you!
How much is it worth to save your back?
We are your last line of defense against high flooring prices!
"Shop smarter not harder"
I wanted to clear up a few things about the Metroflor Underlayment.
We have had many questions about the underlayment due to the fact our competitors are taking
no thought about selling it to people that do not need it. For a normal install it is not required, save your money.
1:It has no R Value.
2:It has no sound suppression for the floor the MetroFlor Engage is on.
3.It is not waterproof Please view the specs here: Underlayment Specs
We have it and we will be more than happy to sell it if you need it.
Is the room clean and free of dust and debris?
The use of a Shop Vac with an exhaust hose out side the room to be installed is best for cleaning. Be
sure to keep dust, dirt or foreign particles away from the MetroFlor Engage.
What is the temperature of room? MetroFlor Engage Vinyl Plank Flooring and subfloor room temperature should be between 65° and 85 ° Fahrenheit. Maintain
proper temperature for 48 hours before and after installation. The building’s heating and airconditioning
system should be turned on at least one week before installation.
Failure to follow
these guidelines may result in an MetroFlor Engage installation failure (i.e. flooring may expand or contract resulting in
MetroFlor Engage Plank is an interior product only, and must be installed in a temperature controlled
environment, maintained between 65 and 85 degrees F. Please keep in mind a concrete floor can
be up to ten degrees colder than the actual room temperature.
If concrete slab, is there evidence of excessive Moisture? As we state in all our sales literature, MetroFlor Engage Plank is Water Resistant and will withstand standing
water. However this does not mean thatMetroFlor Engage Plank is designed to be exposed to water, or be
underwater, for extended periods of time.
Moisture intrusion is a totally different situation that
can arise with new or old concrete that exhibits very high levels of hydrostatic pressure in
combination with very high levels of alkalinity. This combination provides a substance that is
highly corrosive.
No floor covering, including MetroFlor Engage Plank, can withstand the long-term corrosive
nature of this chemical. If testing determines that levels of Hydrostatic pressure exceeds 8
pounds using the Calcium chloride test and/or a P.H. test indicates alkalinity levels in excess of 9,
steps must be taken to separate Konecto from the source of the corrosive effect of this chemical. Under these circumstances the concrete needs to be treated with a floor sealer that seals the
concrete to maintain moisture under 8lbs; this is necessary to avoid the corrosive effects.
Is the Subfloor suitable for installation? While Konecto Flooring is suitable for situations where many other types of flooring should not be used,
certain precautions should be observed for Konecto this very forgiving flooring product.
All subfloors must be sound, solid and have little flexibility! Any large cracks or voids or seams must be
filled with a cementitous patching compound. If concrete subfloor it should be level within 3/16” in 10
Condition Konecto Prior to installation: Konecto must be stored at room temperature of at least 65
degrees Fahrenheit. For 24 to 48 hours before installation. Don’t remove planks from carton but
for best results when possible cut the top of the carton and remove Top, leave the Tile or plank in
place with the protective wax sheet in place in the box.
What makes MetroFlor Engage Plank so unique & revolutionary? No messy adhesives or glue is necessary. Because ofMetroFlor Engage Plank flexibility the planks can be installed over
existing floors such as natural wood, concrete, vinyl, linoleum, and even ceramic.
MetroFlor Engage Plank looks and feels like wood yet it is water resistant so it can be installed in moisture prone
areas that traditionally have been “off limits” for traditional wood flooring and laminate products, like
basements and bathrooms. Must refer to” Subfloor Preparation” on the following page for specific
Each MetroFlor Engage Plank secures to each other not your sub-floor, using the revolutionary Konecto Strip. It’s
free floating. To cut a plank, simply score and snap.
No underlayment is necessary and MetroFlor Engage Plank is quiet and warm under foot.
It comes in different grades and color choices to fit your budget and ascetic needs.
MetroFlor Engage Plank is guaranteed not to delaminate.
MetroFlor Engage Plank Plank Installation Instructions:
1. Tools needed: Utility knife & straight edge, Hand Roller, 100lb roller.
2. Material Needed: Measure the length & width of your room. If the room has alcoves or offsets,
measure these separately. This will give you the square footage of the room. Have a minimum of 10% extra
to cover mistakes, trimming and for future needs and or replacement.
When installing tiles and planks you should work out of a minimum of 3 boxes and mix
planks or tiles when installing.
All subfloors must be sound, solid and have little flexibility
Approved subfloors All Levels of Concrete: Any large cracks or voids must be filled with a cementitous patching
compound. Concrete should be flat within 3/16” in 10 FT.
Lightweight concretes are approved
Wood subfloors must be sturdy, flat within 3/16” in 10 FT., and have little flexibility.
All other subfloors, i.e. particleboard, OSB, chipboard, wafer board, Gypsum Underlayment and Floor
Toppings etc. must be sturdy, flat, and have little flexibility and manufacturers installation specifications
need to be followed. Caution: Soft underlayment and Substrates can diminish Konecto inherent strength
in resisting indentations.
Quarry tile, terrazzo, and ceramic tile: Use caution with highly embossed tile. This type of tile plus
grout joints should be filled with a high quality cementitous patching product.
Existing Resilient Floors: Existing resilient tile and sheet vinyl floors must be in good condition and fully bonded to the
structural floor... The exception is that any tile or sheet that is of a soft cushion construction must
be removed.
Note: A layer of resilient or soft underlayments like lauan may compromise the inherent strength of
Konecto. Do not install over more than one layer of existing flooring, to prevent indentation or
possible stress on the adhesive seams
Radiant Heat: Radiant heat components must be a minimum of 1/2” separated from Konecto. This is
the only type of radiant heat that is approved.
Subfloors should have been operational for at least 3 weeks prior to installation to drive out moisture and
calibrate temperature settings. All radiant heat floors should be turned down so subfloor temperature is
maintained at 65 degrees for 3 days prior to installation and kept at 65 degrees for at least 48 hours after
installation to allow the adhesive to fully cure. Maximum operating temperature should never exceed
When installing MetroFlor Engage Plank over existing ceramic tile, you must skim coat the grout lines with a floor
leveler. If you install MetroFlor Engage Plank over an existing floor that has an embossing or grout line on it, we
recommend you skim coat with a floor leveler. Check for any dips in the subfloor that can create a void
underneath the floor that will cause stress on the plank seams when walking on it. If so please fill in and
level subfloor with embossing leveler.MetroFlor Engage Plank is water resistant so it can be installed directly over
concrete floors in the basement, (Refer to Approved Sub Floors, Page 3). If your concrete floor has any
bumps or burrs of concrete sticking up, simply knock them off with a hammer and chisel and fill in the holes.
If you have asbestos tiles and don’t want to pay for an expensive asbestos abatement job, Konecto is
the perfect answer. Any loose or damaged tiles should be patched prior to installing Konecto over the
asbestos floor. Never sand asbestos floors make sure you are positive asbestos is not present when
ever you sand.
We recommend the following actions in the room you are installing MetroFlor Engage Plank in: Beware
of any sheetrock taping and sanding, painting, wall prep, finishes, and other activities that produce lots of
dust. Cover MetroFlor Engage Plank with a drop cloth...
Installing: Before laying out the floor, check the wall you are starting from and make sure it is square to the opposite
wall. Simply measure the room from opposite ends of the wall to the far wall. If the measurements are
different you can make adjustments on the first row of MetroFlor Engage Plank by scribing the plank on the over edge.
1. Lay a row of loose planks without securing them to each other first to determine if you need to adjust the
length of the first plank to avoid a small piece of less than 6” on the opposite wall from where you
2. Installation should start in a corner and proceed from the wall with the under- edge facing out away
from the wall (Figure 1). Allow a gap of 1/4” or more for floor movement which should be
covered by molding. Do not net fit to wall or any vertical structure!
Trim off the top over-edge facing the start wall
3. When securing two planks together, you should use a low level angle to secure the second plank
into the corresponding edge. The over-edge always placed on top of the under-edge. Use one hand
to hold the plank and the other hand to guide the edge into place for a tight fit by Be careful to keep the seams tight. You can push the plank slightly against the
adjoining plank to create a tight seam, if necessary, after the connection has been made.
4. One of the great attributes ofMetroFlor Engage Plank, it’s forgiving. If your seam appears not to be tight, you can
immediately pull apart the planks and reapply it. Slowly lift the top plank away from the bottom plank and
simply reclick them.
5. When installing the plank, it is required to stagger the rows so that the end joint seams are a minimum 6”
apart and the seams are not in a straight uniform line. We recommend the staggered random method.
6. Start the second row with the plank cut at about 2/3 length (2 feet). Simply measure and mark the
plank, then using a straight edge and utility knife, simply score the plank and snap.
7. The over-edge butts up to the first row. Again, get one corner of the plank started tightly against the
other and use a low level angle and roll the plank tightly into place. The remaining 1/3 piece can be
used on the far wall, if the layout of the room permits.
When cutting MetroFlor Engage Plank for length, be sure to always cut the short side of the plank with the over edge,
the remaining piece can then be used on the opposite side of the room, at the end of that row (Figure 4).
8. Start the third row with the plank cut at 1/3 of a length (1 foot). Again the remaining piece can be used
at the opposite end of the row, if the layout of the room permits
9. Continue this pattern for the remainder of the rows to be installed. Always place the cut end of the first
plank against the wall (Figure 5).
10. Fitting around irregular objects, simply make a pattern out of heavy paper to fit around pipes or
irregular objects. Place the pattern upon the plank and trace. Cut along trace lines using a utility knife or
heavy duty scissors, and lay plank.
If my price is still not the best you have seen contact me for: Price Comparison Shopping.
Commericial Contractors and Retailers. please contact for pallet or container pricing.We will not be undersold.